Estimated balance transfer savings
- $425
Savings over 24 months based on a transfer of $2,500 at a current APR of 15%
Learn more about our calculations This amount is the estimated savings over 24 months following a $2,500 balance transfer, compared to keeping the balance on a credit card with a 15% APR and making minimum payments of interest + 1% of the balance. The estimate includes the new card’s balance transfer fee and balance transfer intro period and assumes equal payments across the 24-month period aimed at paying off the debt.
After the intro period, remaining months assume the average APR in the card’s disclosed range. This estimate is a calculation used for educational purposes and is not a guarantee of savings.
At A Glance
- Intro balance transfer APR
- 0%
- Intro balance transfer period
- 12 months
- Regular balance transfer APR
- 18.24% - 29.24% variable
- Recommended credit
- 670-850 (Good to Excellent) credit ranges are a variation of FICO® Score 8, one of many types of credit scores lenders may use when considering your credit card application.