Low Interest Credit Cards - Reviews
If you are carrying a credit card balance month to month, you need to pay especially close attention to the fine print. Many cards that lure in cardholders with appealing features and rewards programs also come with hefty interest rates and fees that can quickly balloon your balance. We’ve reviewed and rated cards, from our partners, that offer the lowest costs for cardholders, with a close eye on fees, rates and penalties.
Navy Federal Credit Union Platinum credit card
Last reviewed: February 21, 2022
Though the Navy Federal Credit Union Platinum credit card lacks a 0% introductory period for new purchases, the regular APR is so low that cardholders will still save a substantial amount of money on interest.
SunTrust Cash Back credit card
Last reviewed: February 22, 2021
A good card for SunTrust accountholders with excellent credit, the SunTrust Cash Back credit card rewards the bank’s most loyal customers with tiered bonuses and a low minimum APR.
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BB&T Bright card
Last reviewed: January 15, 2021
The BB&T Bright Card is a true low-APR card, which is great for someone with excellent credit who carries a balance from month to month.
Gold Visa® Card
Last reviewed: August 31, 2023
The Gold Visa® card offers one of the lowest standard APRs you can get on a credit card and relatively few fees; but it’s only available to cardholders with Pentagon Federal Credit Union accounts.
M&T Visa Signature card
Last reviewed: March 4, 2021
Cardholders seeking to save money on a balance transfer or new purchase will appreciate the low interest rates on the M&T Visa Signature card and may find it worth keeping in the long run, thanks to its generous cash back program.